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Talati will be promoted to Deputy Mamlatdar for the first time

Talati will be promoted to Deputy Mamlatdar for the first time

The Revenue Department will fill the vacancy vacant posts of Deputy Mamlatdar with the promotion of Talati cadre for the first time in the state as Deputy Mamlatdar. Clark and Talati in the vacant space will be appointed by the ratio of 1: 1 ratio to the races. Revenue Department will be ordered to issue it within a week or so. This will be the first case of getting promotions as a deputy Mamlatdar in the Revenue Talati cadre, launched in 2010.

Talati will be promoted to Deputy Mamlatdar for the first time

After the High Court's order, state government had enacted the rule to give revenue tribute to promoters in the Deputy Mamlatdar cadre. Revenue claw has also been added to the location of the Clark Cum Typist by issuing notification in 2014. In this way these two places are considered equivalent.


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